Living in the present moment, instead of the past
Safety with yourself, others, and in the world
Regulating emotions, and expressing them more freely
Understanding that you have conditioned thoughts, beliefs, patterns and behaviors based on past experiences
Can identify your triggers/danger cues
Ability to foster safety cues into everyday routines
Recognizing that trauma is often passed down through generations
Setting healthy boundaries
Relationships become a place for safety and connection, not a space to recreate trauma
No longer abandoning yourself to gain approval or belonging
Feeling safe to be authentically seen and heard
Responding to stress, instead of reacting: IE being the Active Operator of your Nervous System, not the passenger
Unburdening yourself from traumatic memories and parts that are stuck in the past
Understanding that difficult emotions are an integral part of growth
Striving for moments of creativity, curiosity, play and stillness
Recognizing that your early relationships with your caregivers influence your present relationships
Integrating your inner child into adulthood, so that they can now be seen, heard, and loved